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as admin


To be deprecated

To fully decentralize teznames, the admin role will be removed in the near future and all the functions in this page will be removed or re-implemented.

The current design of teznames includes a special role - admin. The admin is a super user like a manage of a tezname contract. Admin is the one who can manually expire a tezname or even change the registrant (i.e. owner) of a tezname.

expire a tezname

From the admin's perspective, to expire (free) a tezname is very simple. The admin should provide three information,

  • a #key
  • a #signature
  • a #bytes.

to invoke the expire (free) operation. Those information is for verifying if the invoker is turly the admin.

Using dough

To ask admin (which is also a user) to give those information for interacting with contract is not a good way to do thing. Luckly, the dough can do this for us, so the only thing this teznames' admin need to do is to provide the following data:

   { ivkTransfer = 0
   , ivkInfo     = TNS_Free

and use dough invoke to trigger a tezname. For instance:

> dough invoke -c dough.config -n mico.tez -i ./test/admin/

change the ownership

Changing the ownership of a tezname is just another entry invoking.

Using dough

The best part of using dough is, it save your time! Although it seems we have to prepare several different data for invoking register. In fact, with the help of dough, the only information we need to provide is the alias of new owner! So the data required for register will look like this:

   { ivkTransfer = 0
   , ivkInfo     =
         { newOwner = "abpS" }

And with that, we can use the following instruction to register a tezname.

dough invoke -c dough.config -n nicetry.tez -i ./test/admin/