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as registrant


renew tezname

A registrant, also known as owner, is an identity who owns a tezname. A registrant can legally extend (i.e. renew) his/her ownership of tezname. This renew function is implemented in cTezName as an contract entry. Which means you, as registrant, can trigger it in any legal way, say, via tezos-client.

Using dough

To renew a tezname via dough is simple!

Step 0: Don't forget to set the who field to "<your/owner's account alias>" in the dough config.

Step 1: Setup input file as parameter.

According to the spec of teznames, the real and only parameter is a single tSignal that will automatically be generated by dough. So we only need to provide a file as input data with the following contentrecord structure.

   { ivkTransfer = 0
   , ivkInfo     = TNS_Renew

Step 2: Exec dough invoke with the data you created in step 1. For instance:

dough invoke -c ./dough.config -n mico.tez -i ./test/owner/

By using dough inquire, we can see the tezname state will be changed from:

[TzName info:]
    sProtocol  = "9chsTNS-0.0.1"
    sTzName    = "mico"
    sAvailable = False
    sOwner     = "edpkuecuybjhNpjDwoZKXg3FrrJBmSEz5FsGQBdo7yCjHnfRs1tpDd" (0x050100000012646f74626c61636b31353539373338393833)
    sAdmin     = "edpkuesJWtpYgjM1wjxHn7oiJsT64rMrGXztoa7eQ9MGRCL2GtEm21" (0x050100000012646f74626c61636b31353539373338393737)
    sDNS       = [("", ""), ("", "")]
    sAppliedDate      = "2019-06-05T12:50:18Z"
    sExpireDate       = "2020-06-04T12:50:18Z"
    sLastModification = ("2019-06-05T12:50:18Z", "registered")

into this:

[TzName info:]
    sProtocol  = "9chsTNS-0.0.1"
    sTzName    = "mico"
    sAvailable = False
    sOwner     = "edpkuecuybjhNpjDwoZKXg3FrrJBmSEz5FsGQBdo7yCjHnfRs1tpDd" (0x05010000000e6162705331353539373533373337)
    sAdmin     = "edpkuesJWtpYgjM1wjxHn7oiJsT64rMrGXztoa7eQ9MGRCL2GtEm21" (0x050100000012646f74626c61636b31353539373338393737)
    sDNS       = [("", ""), ("", "")]
    sAppliedDate      = "2019-06-05T12:50:18Z"
    sExpireDate       = "2021-06-04T12:50:18Z"
    sLastModification = ("2019-06-05T16:56:48Z", "renewed")


Using asciinema to record dough inquire and update/insert into here.