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contract storage

Storage specification

type tQuestion = bytes
type tAnswer   = signature
type tIdentity = key * tQuestion
type tSignal   = key * tAnswer * tQuestion
type tResource = string
type tDate     = timestamp
type tModification = string
type tDNS_Name = string
type tDNS_IP   = string
type tTzNameStorage =
   { sProtocol    : string
   ; sTzName      : tResource
   ; sAvailable   : bool
   ; sOwner       : tIdentity
   ; sAdmin       : tIdentity
   ; sDNS         : (tDNS_Name, tDNS_IP) map
   ; sAppliedDate      : tDate
   ; sExpireDate       : tDate
   ; sLastModification : tDate * tModification
   ; sRoot             : address (* for demo *)
type storage = tTzNameStorage

contract entry

The cTezName contains three major entries:

register :: (tSignal * tIdentity) -> storage -> (list operation * storage)
renew :: tSignal -> storage -> (list operation * storage)
free :: tSignal -> storage -> (list operation * storage)

All three tSignal typed parameters are for signature-based identity verification. The register and free must be called by admin; yet, the renew can be called only by owner.

The second parameter of register, the one with type tIdentity, is a signature-based identity which represents the new owner (aka registrant).

The extra and demo-only entries

updateRoot :: address -> storage -> (list operation * storage)
updateAdmin :: tIdentity -> storage -> (list operation * storage)

The parameter of updateRoot is the account address of new root; and, the parameter of updateAdmin is the signature-based identity of new admin


contract storage

Storage specification

type storage =
   { sProtocol : string
   ; sAdmin    : address
   ; sRecord   : (string, address) map

contract entry

There is only one entry.


Currently the cTNRecords is just for showing the list of registered name, so it does no protocol or sender checking.

update (string * address) -> storage -> (list operation * storage)

The parameters stand for plain name and its contact address.

The extra and demo-only entries

updateAdmin address -> storage -> (list operation * storage)

The only parameter is for admin to step-down and assign a successor.