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inquire a tezname

To inquire whois-ish info of a tezname is simple. It's basically a public information on contract so any contract explorer can be helpful.

Using dough!

The dough also provide a command dough inquire that can inquire and show on screen. Check this document!


Using asciinema to record dough inquire and update/insert into here.

originate a tezname

As a regular user, you can naturally become a tezname owner by deploying your own tezname contract. You can originate by directly using tezos-client.

Using dough!

There are two ways to use dough for deploying a cTezName.

The one way is using dough data (users guide) to prepare init data and manually originate cTezName via tezos-client.

The other way is using dough deploy (users guide) to deploy cTezName via dough rather than tezos-client. All you need to do is to follow the following steps.

Step 1: Prepare a record data file as follow. The dough will take this data as Haskell record data structure and translate it into Michelson format.

   { sProtocol  = "9chsTNS-0.0.1"
   , sTzName    = "mico"
   , sAvailable = "False"
   , sOwner = TNID "abpH"
   , sAdmin = TNID "dotblack"
   , sDNS =
      [ ("", "")
      , ("", "") ]
   , sAppliedDate      =  "2019-01-01T04:30:00Z"
   , sExpireDate       =  "2020-01-01T04:30:01Z"
   , sLastModification = ("2019-01-01T04:30:00Z", "originated")
   , sRoot = "tz1bhXKVY4ihH8Dcao4cuk8KxJ4sPjXGZcEp"

Step 2: Exec dough deploy.

Say, you want to register mico.tez with ./test/admin/ as init data file and ./src/9chsTNS-0.0.1/ as the source tezname contract. All you need to do is exec the following instruction:

dough deploy -c dough.config -d ./test/admin/ -i ./src/9chsTNS-0.0.1/ -n mico.tez

The returned info will be displayed on terminal. It shows the tezname, the source code of cTezName, the originated address and the address of tezname records contract.

     TzName contract:mico.tez of ./src/9chsTNS-0.0.1/
     has been deploied successfully at address: KT1ATUkZPKuMsF9WL7moaBgeTW6iB4gpPYBj
     This origination record has been updated onto KT1P4fir3MtexzztWbybNxonCv28Fu6hwmGA


Using asciinema to record dough inquire and update/insert into here.

After you deploy your tezname contract, you can checking with the instance of tezname record contract.